Monday, 7 November 2016

Fargo opening sequence anaylisis

Fargo ( coen brothers) 
 In this shot it establishes to the audience that Fargo is a true story. As this is a thriller movie is adds to the suspense which the viwers feel. Given that it is real any events which happen within the feel will create more impact. music overlaying this message is string instruments such as harp or gutair. It creates a calming vibe which contradicts how thriller movies should feel to the viewer.
As the shot changes to show a light blue cold colour, begining the titles. The music changes adding in an extra instrument which creates a more unbeat sound connoting that the movie is begining. This is a establishing shot, however it does not acctually show anything visible but does create an icy atmosphere. Titles which are visible are presented at the bottom of the screen, to the right hand side. This demonstrates that they are not of much importance but sill visible so have some importance. The words which have more importance have spaced out letters. This is done to draw the eyes of the viewer more.
 In this long shot it becomes clear to the viewers that the cold blue is acctually a thick fog. Within the fog a car is seen comming closer and closer to the camera. This antisipaction of this long shot strecthes out increasing the suspense, forcing the viewers to ask themselfs questions such as, "who is in the car?" and "where is it going?"
In this long shot the car is now completely visible. The questions viewers are forced to ask themselfs extends which fits in with the Barthes narrative enigmas theory. This theory often comes into place with thriller movies and opening sequences. In this shot it becomes more clear to the viewer that the vehicle is dragging something behind it. The mystery of this scene completely fits the conventions of a thriller film. At this point the music adds in a drum instrument. This creates a dramatic change to the music and the extract. The large crescendo demonstares the dramaticness of the movie inviting in the viewers more and increasing there heart rate.

As the car passes the camera  the title of the film fades in. This is presented central, capitalised and spaced out massively. This is done so the five letterd word strecthes out to nearly cover the width of the screen. This shows the importance of the tile of the movie. The black bold wiritng stands out against the icy cold background which is again brough back after the car leaves. This leaves the viewer feeling again isolated.
M   c   D   O   R   M   A   N   D
WILLIAM H.     M   A   C   Y
STEVE    B   U   S   C  E  M  I
HARVE   P   R   E   S  N   E   L   L
PETER    S   T   O   R   M   A   R   E
F   A   R   G   O

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