Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Question 7

- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

By comparing the Prelim task to 'Padnapped' to my final draft 'Thirteen' to you drastically see how I have improved in the process of this.  

 My editing skills have clearly developed as I have learnt and demonstrated wider techniques. Titles are more advanced and over all the continuos flow is more pleasureable to watch.Where as in the prlim task the editing is random and dosent have a nice flow with it: an example of this is at (0:06). However we were able to demonstrate a clear story line. When doing the prelim task I struggled with sound, as I was just getting used to the software. Our Final drfat shows a much more professional standard.

Techniques like shot reverse shot (0:28) and a split screen (1:23) are shown which demonstrates how my skills have progessed. The shot reverse shot works affectively as it captures the characters interactions with one another. We followed the 180 degree rule, this allowed for continous editing and flow without having a reverse angle which would disrupt the editing.
The pace of the editing in the final draft in comparrison to the prlim demonstrates how our skills have progressed aswell.  Within our final draft we were able to build suspence with the audience through the pace at which we editied. At the begining it it very slow and building up. In time with the music it begins to speed up with the crescendo. This works very affectively as it creates chaos as the audience have a moment of realisation.
My knowlage of camera angles was fairly wide at the begining of this process, so in both prelim task and final draft there is a wide variety of camera angles.

The mise en scene in the final draft is more thought through and developed than the prelim to create verisimilitude. We also used a larger amount of filming locations and props.

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